Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Meaning: Labyrinth

The rector of Trinity Episocopal Church shared this information about their labyrinth:

THE LABYRINTH - a Ministry of Spiritual Presence

It is in a spirit of gratitude and thanksgiving we thank everyone for all the support of prayer and special gifts to this new ministry to all theChurch and surrounding community. The Holy Spirit is among us and at work to move forward in promoting the knowledge and purpose of this spiritualand healing ministry of the Labyrinth. During the Lenten season, on Friday evenings the newly opened Labyrinth created a special place and time to prepare ourselves for Easter. In response to the uncertain and stressful times in which we find the world, community, church, and ourselves, and our resulting need for strength and renewal, Trinity has opened her doors for ourselves and the Elmira community. The labyrinth is a Christian-based ministry and yet made available and inclusive of many religious traditions. You are invited to gather for Spiritual centering, empowerment and heavenly guidance. One walks the labyrinth with intention. The labyrinth is a place created for specific purposes, which include but are not restricted to spirituality, creativity, growth, problem solving, team building, stress management, rejuvenation, decision making, and meditation. The labyrinth invites one into sacred space and provides a temporary abandonment of the ordinary world for the realm of a deeper understanding of the Holy. Have you been down to actually see the Labyrinth? It is located in the lower level of our Parish Hall. You may access the Labyrinth from the First Street parking lot door. Just go down the stairs once you are inside the door. Starting in the month of June, the Labyrinth will be opened with the following schedule: First Tuesday of the month, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM; Second Thursday of the month, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM; Third Friday of the month, 7:00 - 9:00 PM.


  1. I am planning to come sometime this summer; can't wait!

  2. Maybe I will see you there, Maggie! I plan on going as well. I also have a quest now to visit other labyrinths whenever I have the pleasure of finding one. I'm going to do a search of the area my husband and I are visiting this summer to see if any labyrinths are in the area.
