Thursday, May 21, 2009

Chapter Reaction: Meaning

Please comment if you would like to share your overall impression/reaction to the chapter "Meaning."


  1. I wonder what Frankl's book would have been like if he had not been sidetracked into a concentration camp, as he began writing about well-being before facing tremendous adversity.

  2. I wonder how Frankl's book would have been different if he had not gone to a concentration camp...

  3. I read Frankl's book, "Man's Search for Meaning" after hearing a speaker at SHS sports banquet refer to it. I found it fascinating and find myself referring to it often. His two basic ideas were that the key to survival and happiness he found were something to look forward to and someone to love.

  4. Viktor Frankl's story is amazing! Again, I plan on using it in my teaching. The one thing I want so much for the kids I teach is to begin early in life thinking about truly having meaning and purpose in their lives. I believe it is difficult for kids to think this way. I try every day to impress upon them that TODAY will not come again and to spend it wisely in thought and deed. One other book I would recommend that is not listed in Pink's recommendations is The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren.
