Saturday, May 16, 2009


These tests are fun and might surprise you. Share your reactions.


  1. On the empathy quotient I scored quite high which I would have guessed. I should be empathetic as I am a counselor.
    I was not very good at the smile and eye test which I found challenging.

  2. I scored 31 of 36 on the eye test, but was bored by it after 10 eyes so I skipped the fake smile test. Did well on empathy which is important for a techer :)
    I do think it is important for educators to be empathetic, but to see the reasons and help kids overcome them; not to see excuses and let kids skate by without becoming their best.

  3. I liked these tests and scored around the average. They reinforce my use of intuition to understand and be empathetic.

  4. I enjoyed the comparison of empathy in men and women. Perhaps this does explain why women cry more than men. I also agree that empathy is a powerful force in medicine. When my son was 2 years old, he needed a liver transplant for a condition that had never been treated successfully before. The GI specialist made me a part of the "team" to decide on options and care for my son because she told me that I knew him better than anyone else. She was truely an emphathetic doctor which did help in facing a very difficult situation.

    I also liked the exercise of listening to a colleague's story and then sharing it with the group. This would be good as a way for students to get to know each other and care for each other.

  5. I really enjoyed taking these tests and was not surprised by my scores except for the very high score I received on the smile test ---very intersting. I've passed these websites on to some friends!

  6. I'm above average in empathy according to the test. I got a high score on the eye test which is probably partly because I am an art teacher. these were fun to do. Thank you.
