Friday, May 8, 2009


Read Allison Arieff's "By Design" blog post "Designing Through a Depression" Read the comments as well. Some of the comments are contradictory to Dan Pink's feelings on design. How important is design to you?


  1. I think that innovative dsign is great if it is also useful. For example, energy efficient cars and homes using solar, electric or wind power. I saw Dateline last night and they had on an electric car that was very cool looking and drives very fast, but the price was $105,000 and there is a waiting list! It would be nice if someone would design an electric car that could also be affordable.

  2. He mentions that even hospitals are bringing in designers. I spent almost a year in a hospital when I was young and let me tell you, attractive design would havwe been a plus for both myself and my parents, the stark white was depressing! I do wish the architects who designed the BMs library had spent more time marring design and FUNCTION though as my room is terrible for instruction, acoustics and supervision!

  3. I agree with Jill's assessment of the need to combine design with function. Sometimes the practical aspects of design are sacrificed for aesthetics.

    As for hospital design, there have been studies about the effects of color - which color is most soothing, which is cleanest, etc. Does anyone know if they've done studies about sound design in hospitals? Hospitals are certainly not restful.

  4. I truly enjoyed this article as it showed that sometimes design for the sake of design is not enough --this article mentioned the practical and affordable side of design. As Jill and Pat point out, when something is functional and directly applicable to your life, you will be more inclined to not only notice it but also buy it or use it.
